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Los Angeles
Une Petit Chouette means "Small Owl" in French. That's me.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I Don't Get It: Overpriced Pillows

This just pissed me off.  Seriously.

I really want to get some cute throw pillows to spruce up my living room couch, but I keep coming across cute-yet-insanely-overpriced finds like these.  This makes me want to hurl four-letter words at my computer.  Why the hell would I pay $100 for a f&*%ing COUCH PILLOW?!  Who do you people think you are?!  I may not sew (I don't own a sewing machine) but I DO know that sewing a pillow is one of the easiest sewing projects known to man.  And unless your fabric has been woven with wool from the lamb of God, you can suck it.

That is all.

IDGI Disclaimer:  All images credits and sources in "I Don't Get It" are intentionally left out to protect the original poster from embarrassment.  If you really want me to tell the world that this is your awful idea, please leave a comment and I'll be happy to do that for you.  *wink*

1 comment:

  1. Check this out:

    And these:
